I know I’m late with the news here, but I sure never heard of this until now. Did you know you can do extension methods in .Net 2.0 with a minor hack? I think Visual Studio 2008 might be required. All you have to do, as I learned from jaredpar’s blog, is create your own class called “ExtensionAttribute” in the correct namespace. After that, you have extension methods. That is crazy! I’ve been wanting them for a while, so I’m glad I searched around for this!

As an example, I created an extension method for List called “DoYourThing” that takes an action. This is purely for demonstration and is obviously useless.

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices 
    public class ExtensionAttribute : Attribute 

namespace SampleProject 
    public static class Extensions 
        public static void DoYourThing<T>(this List<T> list, Action<T> action) 

If you are unfamiliar with extension methods, get with the gravy train here because they are super cool! No kidding, they are actually really useful.